Justia Civil Procedure Opinion Summaries

Articles Posted in Minnesota Supreme Court
The case revolves around a dispute over attorney fees awarded under Minnesota Statutes section 117.031(a) in an eminent domain proceeding. The State of Minnesota, through the Department of Transportation (MnDOT), seized a portion of Joseph Hamlin's property under the "quick take" provision of Minnesota eminent domain law. Hamlin was awarded attorney fees after the compensation he received was more than 40% greater than MnDOT's final offer. The attorney fees awarded exceeded the amount Hamlin owed his attorney under a contingent fee agreement.MnDOT appealed the district court's decision, arguing that the term "reasonable" in section 117.031(a) should limit the attorney fee award to the amount owed in the contingent fee agreement. The district court had applied the lodestar method (a method for calculating attorney fees based on the number of hours reasonably expended on the litigation multiplied by a reasonable hourly rate) and awarded Hamlin $63,228 in attorney fees. The court of appeals affirmed the district court's decision, holding that "reasonable attorney fees" in section 117.031(a) are calculated under the lodestar method and are not limited by any existing agreement between the landowner and his attorney.The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the court of appeals. The court reiterated its previous holding in County of Dakota v. Cameron that "reasonable attorney fees" in section 117.031(a) refers to attorney fees calculated by the lodestar method. Therefore, an award of reasonable attorney fees is not capped by a contingent fee agreement. The court concluded that a landowner's fee agreement with their attorney does not limit an award of attorney fees because "reasonable attorney fees" under section 117.031(a) means attorney fees calculated using the lodestar method. View "State v. Schaffer" on Justia Law

The case revolves around Tokvan Ly, a man suffering from severe mental illness, who was incarcerated in the Scott County Jail. The district court found Ly incompetent to face criminal proceedings and ordered him committed to the care of the appellant, Jodi Harpstead, the Commissioner of Human Services. The law requires that persons in Ly's position be prioritized for admission to state-operated treatment programs and be admitted within 48 hours. However, Ly was not admitted within this timeframe. Fifteen days after his commitment, Ly remained in jail and was not receiving the specialized treatment needed for his severe mental illness. Consequently, he filed a petition for writs of mandamus and habeas corpus, alleging that the Commissioner was failing to comply with a mandatory duty to admit him to treatment within 48 hours under the Priority Admission statute and seeking damages resulting from his delayed admission to treatment.The district court issued a peremptory writ of mandamus that determined the Commissioner’s liability solely on the facts as alleged in Ly’s petition, and set the issue of mandamus damages for a fact trial. The Commissioner appealed the district court’s order, contending that she could immediately appeal the order before entry of final judgment. The court of appeals disagreed and dismissed the appeal for lack of jurisdiction.The Minnesota Supreme Court concluded that the basis for appeal from an order issuing a peremptory writ of mandamus under Rule 103.03(g) has been extinguished, and that appeal must instead proceed from a final judgment under Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 103.03(a). The court further concluded that an order issuing a peremptory writ is not appealable under Rule 103.03(a) as a form of irregular judgment, and that the district court order currently on appeal does not satisfy the finality requirement of that rule. However, the court invoked its inherent authority and its authority under Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 102 to suspend the final judgment requirement of Rule 103.03(a), reverse the decision of the court of appeals, exercise jurisdiction over the Commissioner’s underlying appeal, and remand to the court of appeals to consider the merits of the appeal. View "Ly v. Harpstead" on Justia Law

The case revolves around Lisa Stone, a tenant who signed a lease agreement that required her to provide maintenance services for which she alleges she was not compensated, in violation of Minnesota law. She initiated a class-action lawsuit against Invitation Homes, Inc., the parent company of her landlord, and THR Property Management, L.P., the manager of the leased property. Stone later amended her complaint to include various subsidiaries of Invitation Homes as defendants. Some of these subsidiaries argued that Stone lacked standing to sue them as she had not alleged that they had caused any injuries.The district court denied the subsidiaries' motion to dismiss. The subsidiaries appealed this decision to the court of appeals, which reversed the district court's decision and dismissed Stone's claims against the subsidiaries. The court of appeals reasoned that Stone lacked standing to bring her claims under the theory for standing found by the district court, and the juridical-link doctrine was improperly raised by Stone for the first time on appeal and did not apply in this case.Stone appealed to the Supreme Court of Minnesota, arguing that she has standing against the subsidiaries under the juridical-link doctrine. This doctrine posits that in a class action in which a named plaintiff has not alleged an injury caused by all defendants, a class may be certified when all defendants are linked by a conspiracy or concerted scheme that harmed the class. However, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the court of appeals, stating that Stone had forfeited the ability to have the merits of standing under the juridical-link doctrine determined on appeal as she failed to assert standing based on the juridical-link doctrine in the district court. View "Stone, vs. Invitation Homes, Inc." on Justia Law

The Minnesota Supreme Court reversed a decision by the Court of Appeals, ruling that the district court did not abuse its discretion in certifying an order as a final partial judgment under Minnesota Rule of Civil Procedure 54.02. The case arose from a dispute between the City of Elk River and Bolton & Menk, Inc. over a large construction contract for a wastewater treatment plant improvement project. The City sued Bolton for alleged breach of contract and professional negligence. Bolton responded by filing a third-party complaint against three other parties involved in the contract. The district court dismissed Bolton's third-party complaint and Bolton sought to have the dismissal order certified as a final judgment for immediate appeal. The district court granted this certification, but the Court of Appeals dismissed Bolton's appeal, determining that the district court had abused its discretion in certifying the order as a final judgment. The Minnesota Supreme Court disagreed, finding that the district court had offered valid reasons for its certification, including that the third-party claims presented distinct issues from the principal claims and that the case was in its early stages at the time of certification. The Supreme Court therefore reversed the decision of the Court of Appeals and remanded the case for further proceedings. View "City of Elk River vs. Bolton & Menk, Inc." on Justia Law

In a dispute with the Department of Human Services (DHS) in Minnesota, Nobility Home Health Care, Inc. (Nobility) was found to have violated Minnesota Statutes section 256B.064 and Minnesota Rule 9505.2165 by failing to maintain health service records as required by law and by submitting claims for services for which underlying health service records were inadequate. The Minnesota Supreme Court held that such conduct constitutes "abuse" under the statute, even if there was no intent to deceive the DHS. However, the court declined to interpret or apply the phrase "improperly paid... as a result of" abuse in the statute, which governs the grounds for monetary recovery. The court reversed the decision of the court of appeals and remanded the case to the DHS for further analysis of this issue. The court's decision means that DHS's demand for an overpayment for Nobility’s first-time paperwork errors may not be reversed unless the DHS also establishes that the provider was improperly paid because of that abuse. View "In the Matter of SIRS Appeal by Nobility Home Health Care, Inc" on Justia Law

The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that an individual can bring a private action under the Minnesota private attorney general statute to compel a healthcare provider to disclose that individual’s medical records as required by the Minnesota Health Records Act. This decision was based on the interpretation of the private attorney general statute, which the court concluded applies to laws regarding unfair, discriminatory, and other unlawful practices in business, commerce, or trade. The court found that the Minnesota Health Records Act, which mandates the timely disclosure of health records to patients, falls within this category. However, the court also held that an individual does not have a private right of action under the Minnesota Health Care Bill of Rights to compel a healthcare provider to disclose an individual’s medical records. The ruling affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded the case to the district court for further proceedings. View "Findling vs. Group Health Plan, Inc." on Justia Law

In this case stemming from a dispute involving an insurance claim the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the court of appeals reversing the judgment of the district court dismissing, with prejudice, Plaintiff's complaint under Minn. R. Civ. P. 5.04(a) on the grounds that the complaint was not filed within one year of service, holding that Plaintiff satisfied Rule 5.04(a).Plaintiff served Defendant with a summons and complaint but did not file the summons and complaint with the district court at that time. Later, Plaintiff filed a copy of the summons and complaint but did not file the summons and complaint as a standalone document until more than one year after it had served Defendant. The district court dismissed the case with prejudice under Rule 5.04(a). The court of appeals reversed. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding (1) filing an "action" under Rule 5.04(a) refers to filing the summons and complaint; and (2) Plaintiff satisfied Rule 5.04(a) when it filed a copy of the summons and complaint as an exhibit in an ancillary motion pertaining to the same action. View "Glen Edin of Edinburgh Ass'n v. Hiscox Insurance Co." on Justia Law

The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the workers' compensation court of appeals (WCCA) affirming the decision of the compensation judge granting Respondent's claim petition seeking reimbursement from his former employer for the cost of medical cannabis, holding that the WCCA erred.At issue before the Supreme Court was whether the WCCA correctly concluded that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction to decide arguments that require interpreting federal law and whether the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA), 21 U.S.C. 801-971, preempts the requirement in Minnesota law for an employer to reimburse an injured employee for the cost of medical treatment, Minn. Stat. 176.135, subd. 1(a). The Supreme Court held (1) the WCCA lacked subject matter jurisdiction to decide whether the relevant federal law preempted the relevant Minnesota law in this case; and (2) the CSA preempted the compensation court's order mandating Relators to pay for Respondent's medical cannabis. View "Bierbach v. Digger's Polaris" on Justia Law

The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the court of appeals denying the City of Saint Paul's motion to discharge Respondent's petition for a writ of certiorari on the basis that Respondent failed to serve the petition on the agency, as required by Minn. Stat. 14.64, within the thirty-day deadline set forth in Minn. Stat. 14.63, holding that the thirty-day deadline in section 14.63 does not apply to the service requirement imposed by section 14.64.Respondent sought relocation benefits under the Minnesota Uniform Relocation Act after its lease of a bowling alley was prematurely terminated due to construction. The City denied the request, and an administrative law judge denied Respondent's claim. Respondent filed a petition for a writ of certiorari and served the petition on the City within thirty days of receiving the decision. The City sought to discharge the writ and dismiss the appeal based on untimely service. The court of appeals denied relief. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding that judicial review under the Administrative Procedure Act is invoked by compliance with the provisions of section 14.63, and the thirty-day deadline in section 14.63 does not apply to the service requirement imposed by section 14.64. View "In re Midway Pro Bowl Relocation Benefits Claim" on Justia Law

The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the court of appeals affirming the district court's exercise of specific personal jurisdiction over Ford Motor Company in this products liability case, holding that the claims in this case arose out of or related to Ford's contacts with Minnesota, and therefore, the exercise of specific personal jurisdiction by the Minnesota court was proper.A Ford vehicle owned by a Minnesota resident was involved in a car crash in which an airbag in the vehicle failed to deploy and a passenger was seriously injured. Ford moved to dismiss the passenger's claims for lack of personal jurisdiction, arguing that because the car involved in the accident was not designed, manufactured, or originally sold in Minnesota, Ford could not be subject to personal jurisdiction in Minnesota. The district court held that the exercise of jurisdiction over Ford was proper, and the court of appeals affirmed. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding that Ford's contacts with Minnesota were sufficient to support specific personal jurisdiction and that the reasonableness factors did not detract from the reasonableness of asserting jurisdiction over Ford in this case. View "Bandemer v. Ford Motor Co." on Justia Law